
  • mergeMap vs switchMap vs concatMap

    I was editing my Angular app after upgrading to Angular 17. I’m still using and learning about RxJS Observables1. I learned an important lesson about the difference between RxJS operators mergeMap, switchMap, and concatMap

  • C# Refreshers

    I had an interview recently that really challenged me. The interview was a collaborative coding challenge using C#. I was reminded of many C# features (datatypes, operators, etc), and I was taught about principles & performance characteristics. I outline these below because they inspired me!

  • Three different XBRL Renderers

    I was trying to open an iXBRL file with arelle. I learned there are at least three different renderers/iXBRL viewers…

  • Nate and Dan are seeking surrogates

    My husband and I are in the middle of a very exciting journey to have a kid! 👨‍👨‍👧 We made an embryo together with my sister and now we’re looking for a surrogate to help us through the rest of the journey…

  • Subtitle file exercise, translating Python to Rust

    I love the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (CTHD), especially the bar scene. I tried to find the screenplay for the movie in Mandarin. I found an awesome GitHub project (subtitle-combiner) and started thinking…