Building a PWA for a Chromebook; Part 1: Progressive Web Apps

People always told me I had a “loud voice”, and my foster son’s loud callouts during quarantine are also trying the adults in the house. To learn more about volume and intensity, I tried to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) that monitors your volume.


The basic steps to creating a PWA:

  1. Create a manifest.json and reference it in your index.html so your PWA can be installed
  2. Create and register a service-worker.js so your PWA is installable
  3. Cache resources and with the service-worker.js so your PWA provides a basic offline experience

Device: Chromebook

The app should work on a Chromebook. My foster son uses a Chromebook to play Roblox; Englewood and Denver public school systems arranged for kids to pickup Chromebooks during COVID-19 quarantine. I thought I would be building a “Chrome Extension” or an app for “ChromeOS” – also known as a “Chrome App”.

However, Chrome apps/extensions are deprecated and the migration guide suggests PWA’s instead. PWA’s are trying to get the “best of both worlds”; the capabilities of “Native Apps” and the reach of “Web Apps”. So I set out to build a PWA.

App: Progressive Web App (PWA)

PWA’s success is built on 3 pillars: Capability, Reliability, Installability:

Quality: Lighthouse Audits

I always wondered what the “Audit” tab in Chrome Devtools does. Now I know; Lighthouse audit (called a “Progressive web audit”) will analyze your web app:

Lighthouse analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performance metrics and insights on developer best practices.

Lighthouse audits is effectively a way to check whether your web site is a “Progressive Web App”! In other words, your app is progressive if it responds with a 200 status when offline, and registers a service worker that controls page and start_url, and etc…

Check out the “Measure” tool for more quantiative metrics on the performance of your web app. For troubleshooting;

Progressive: “Web App Manifest”

Web app manifest does not meet the installability requirements Failures: No manifest was fetched. Browsers can proactively prompt users to add your app to their homescreen, which can lead to higher engagement. Learn more.

Useful features of the Manifest include:

Detour : DevTools Application Tab

We can inspect a site’s manifest via the Devtools’ Application tab. INSERT PICTURE TO APPLICATION TAB

Capabilities: Service Worker

Service workers support an offline experience and speeding up performance (network proxy) while still using web’s greatest capabilities. According to Lighthouse audit:

service worker is the technology that enables your app to use many Progressive Web App features, such as offline, add to homescreen, and push notifications.

And according to the tutorial, using service workers…

… significantly improves performance because most of our assets (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) will be stored and served locally, eliminating the network as a potential bottleneck.

Service Workers compete with:

Service Workers have these features:

Service Workers have these limitations:

Service Worker Scope

The scope of the service worker determines which files the service worker controls, in other words, from which path the service worker will intercept requests. The default scope is the location of the service worker file, and extends to all directories below

After creating and registering a service worker, we passed this Lighthouse test: Registers a service worker that controls page and start_url

Service Worker Lifecycle

More in the Offline Cookbook install activate fetch

Tutorial: Google CodeLabs and Glitch

So I followed the tutorial at Google CodeLabs which uses Glitch as a code-editor

Lighthouse Audit Types and Fixes

Issue Type Issue Description Fix Type Fix Description
SEO Audit Document has a meta description. index.html Add a <meta name="description"> tag
Progressive Web App Audit Registers a service worker that controls page and start_url. index.html and service-worker navigator.serviceWorker.register() a service-worker
Progressive Web App Audit Current page responds with a 200 when offline. service-worker service-worker handles fetch errors
Progressive Web App Audit start_url responds with a 200 when offline. service-worker service-worker .respondsWith() some content to a fetch error
Progressive Web App Audit Web app manifest meets the installability requirements. manifest.json includes a manifest.json linked in the <link rel="manifest">
Progressive Web App Audit Configured for a custom splash screen. manifest.json manifest.json includes splash-screen settings
Progressive Web App Audit Sets an address-bar theme color. index.html index.html includes a <meta name="theme-color" > tag